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Book release


Short presentation

The book's genre is highly original, combining the technical monography about flight simulators and Romanian aviation with a memoir. Considering that arbitrary restrictions have regulated this field for a long time, the book is not limited to elements of a personal account, but it also presents the scientific specificity of the development of flight simulators, their structure, and their evolution and also makes a correlation between the technical elements and the original and particular chronology specific to our country.

The book unfolds in three parts. The first part is a historical journey, defining the pioneering achievements of Romanian creators in aviation, from Traian Vuia to Aurel Vlaicu, and culminating in the groundbreaking work of Henri Coanda. This historical foundation sets the stage for the rest of the book.

The second part explicitly deals with developing the IAR-93, IAR-99, and the other aircraft.

The book presents the making of the first simulator in Romania, SIAR-93, its performances, and the simulator for IAR-99 in several variants. It then moves on to how the helicopter simulators and the simulator for the MiG-21 LANCER were developed.

A particular chapter pays homage to test pilots, and two chapters delve into the activity carried out by INCAS, an aviation R&D institute. The institute specializes in research in the field of aviation simulators embedded in a virtual flight control network and develops new simulation systems. Using a robotic arm to simulate for a pilot the movements of an aircraft in the air, combined with the image created with Virtual Reality, led to the creation of a unique simulator in Eastern Europe with outstanding performances.

The final chapter takes a personal turn, offering an autobiographical account of the didactic and scientific accomplishments of Dr. Constantin OLIVOTTO. This chapter adds a human touch to the technical content, providing a unique perspective on the book's subject matter.

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Scurta prezentare

Cartea este originala, imbinand caracterul monografic tehnic privind simulatoarele si aviatia romana cu unul memorialistic. Avand in vedere ca acest domeniu a fost mai multa vreme sub incidenta unor restrictii arbritare, cartea nu se limiteaza la elemente de istorie memorialistica, ea prezentand si specificul stiintific al dezvoltarii simulatoarelor de zbor, componenta lor, evolutia lor in timp si realizeaza si o corelare a elementelor tehnice cu o cronologie originala ai particulara specifica tarii noastre.

Cartea cuprinde trei parti. Prima parte defineste istoric realizarile creatorilor romani in domeniul aviatiei pornind de la Traian Vuia, Aurel Vlaicu, insistand pe activitatea lui Henri Coanda.

In partea a doua se trateaza in mod definitoriu si explicit modul de realizare a avioanelor IAR-93, IAR-99 si a altor avioane din institut.

Se prezinta realizarea primului simulator din Romania, SIAR-93, cu performantele sale, simulatorul pentru IAR-99 in mai multe variante, apoi cum au fost realizate simulatoarele de elicoptere si simulatorul pentru MiG-21 LANCER.

Un capitol special omagiaza pilotii de incercare, iar doua capitole se refera la activitatea de cercetare desfasurata de INCAS, institut de cercetare-dezvoltare in aviatie. Institutul desfasoara cercetari in domeniul simulatoarelor de aviatie introduse intr-o retea de conducere a zborului virtuala si dezvolta noi sisteme de simulare. Utilizarea unui brat robotic pentru a simula pilotului miscarile unei aeronave in aer, combinat cu imaginea creata cu Realitate Virtuala au condus la realizarea unui simulator unic in Europa de Est cu performante deosebite.

Ultimul capitol are un caracter autobiografic descriind preocuparile didactice si stiintifice ale Prof. Dr. Ing. Constantin OLIVOTTO.


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