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Call for papers

Documents: International Conference of Aerospace Sciences "AEROSPATIAL 2024"


Template Abstract


Second call_v1 (16.07.2024)


Second call (25.06.2024)


First Call (07.12.2023)



Extended Deadlines


Abstracts submission: 16.09.2024


Acceptance confirmation: 20.09.2024


Submission of full papers for INCAS BULLETIN: 21.10.2024

Note: The papers accepted for the conference "AEROSPATIAL 2024" will be presented in English language.


Book of Abstracts

The Abstracts that are accepted will be included in a printed volume Book of Abstracts of the International Conference of Aerospace Sciences "AEROSPATIAL 2024", code: ISSN 2067-8614, ISSN-L = 2067-8614
The Abstracts will be sent to the address , in electronic form (MS Word and PDF), according to the Template present on the website.


MDPI- Aerospace

Selected extended papers can be submitted for peer-review evaluation for publication in MDPI- Aerospace- Special Issue "Selected Papers from the 11th Edition of the “AEROSPATIAL” Conference (AEROSPATIAL 2024)":

Aerospace (ISSN 2226-4310) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal (free for readers) devoted to the publication of original papers, review articles, short notes and communications related to all fields of aerospace science, engineering and technology, disclosing theoretical, fundamental and applied results linked to potential applications that are related to research, design, manufacture, operations, control and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft. Researchers are encouraged to publish the results of their recent theoretical and experimental developments with as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the maximum length of the papers. You can find more details about the journal at

Up until now, MDPI- Aerospace is indexed in: SCIE (Web of Science, IF 2.1), Scopus, and INSPEC (IET) databases


Part of the papers will be selected for publication in the scientific journal INCAS BULLETIN:,
(Print) ISSN 2066–8201, (Online) ISSN 2247–4528, ISSN–L 2066–8201, DOI: 10.13111/2066–8201, following favorable reviews.
INCAS BULLETIN is Open Access (OA).
INCAS BULLETIN is indexed in International Databases (BDI): Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Index Copernicus™ - Journals Master List, Crossref, ProQuest, EBSCOhost, Academic Journals Database, SCIPIO - Romanian Editorial Platform, DRJI, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI-SCHOLAR), SHERPA/ROMEO, WorldCat, J-Gate.


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