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Participation fee


Early-bird registration and fee payment before 26.08.2024: 100 EUR


Standard registration and fee payment starting with the date of 27.08.2024: 200 EUR
Registrations and payment of the participation fee are accepted until:


Students participation is free of charge.

We encourage the partipation of students both for presentation of scientific papers within the conference and for socializing activities with exhibitors, for future collaborative activities.



The participation fee can be paid by bank transfer, mentioning for: Conference “AEROSPATIAL 2024” (see below)


Others fees:


The authors who pay the above mentioned fee can participate in the conference with a single paper.


For the second paper presented in the conference by the same author (as first author), the fee is 50 EUR.


The fee for participation with article also includes all the materials related to the conference.




For the Romanian authors the payment should be done in LEI for the foreign participants, please make the payment in Euro / Dolar. The three accounts are:


The three accounts are:
Cod IBAN RON: RO 86 RNCB 0290101344950001
Cod IBAN EUR: RO 59 RNCB 0290101344950002
Cod IBAN USD: RO 32 RNCB 0290101344950003


The address of the BCR Bank:
Blvd Iuliu Maniu no.190-192, bl.C1, area 6, Bucharest, Romania
Account Holder: INCAS Bucuresti
VAT: RO434670


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